Monday, October 4, 2010

Crazy Google Earth Finds

Just wanted to share some pretty insane Google Earth images.

 God's fingerprint??
 Product placement to the fullest!
cool looking "p"

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Halo: Reach. WHY?!

Okay, don't get me wrong from the title.  I'm an avid Halo player and a long-time fan of the video game dynasty.  However, I can't wrap my mind around the new beat down system and the reticule bloom.  Why would you spend years perfecting a system of halo gameplay and then shatter 50% of the progress by implementing these obsolete features??  Now guys...I realize that "it's Halo: Reach, not Halo 4" and "you're not master chief anymore."  Despite these things, these two things are not necessary.  It's inconsistent!  THAT has been the huge problem with Halo all along.  And now they have purposefully inserted inconsistent gameplay features.  I say get rid of the bloom or if we MUST have it. at least make the reset time faster.  The beat downs should have a set damage set for them.  If I pummel a guy with 100% shields.. it does twice the damage as opposed to me pummeling a guy with 50% shields.  Is that logical?  I say nay.  Regardless of these features, I am still a big fan of the game.  Kudos to Bungie for yet another great one!